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Dog Grooming Business Cards & Pet Grooming Appointment Books

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We have talked a lot about the tools and equipment that you would need when working as a dog groomer. What we haven’t talked about yet is what you need in the office itself. For example, have you thought about pet vacuums or dog hair ribbons or dog grooming business cards?

What are the administration type tools that would be essential in a salon? Alternatively, what does a mobile groomer need to manage a mobile grooming business?

Dog Grooming Business Cards

You might prefer hard copies of everything or you might prefer to go the tech route and set yourself up with some pretty nifty salon management software. Either way, you will want to have some cute, eye-catching reminder cards to send home with your repeat clients.

So, let’s see what is available on both sides of the ledger when shopping online.

Dog Grooming Appointment Books

What we need in an appointment book is a tool that will help us to stick to time, be totally organised and be able to see at a glance how busy the coming week is and in particular, what openings exist for booking return client visits.

An up-to-date appointment book allows you to send out reminders a few days beforehand. It also allows you to schedule future days off to reward yourself with a break or a holiday.

The right kind of dog grooming appointment book will usually be set out in 15 minute segments so that you can offer the dog owner some degree of flexibility. Perhaps they cannot come in at 2:00 in the afternoon but would prefer 2:15 for example. 

The following version would be suitable for any pet grooming salon be it a dog or cat customer.

Pet Salon Management Software

The right kind of software can definitely make your admin tasks much more manageable. A simple spreadsheet could be what you are looking for but then you do need to have some expertise to set it up effectively with formulas etc. 

The following provides you with a business plan that can be used for a dog grooming business or for a kennel business. 

The following software also includes an appointment facility, a scheduler, a module to keep track of groomers as well as clients and a reporting function.

The following Business Plan could be used for either a cat or a dog grooming service and includes financial worksheets,

More Business Cards for Grooming Salons

You can find online a whole range of cute business cards for grooming salons as well as mobile grooming businesses.

For example, how cute are these sets of appointment cards:

But there is no shortage of irresistible pet business cards that can be personalized. See what I mean by checking out these cute options:

Have fun choosing your own style of cute branding for your dog grooming business. The right choice will appeal visually as well as facilitating better management practices. 

Pampering Dogs