How to Help a Shy Dog Be Less Timid

Shy Dog image by anjika from Pixabay

As a dog owner, you already know how important it is to notice when your dog is experiencing some kind of discomfort whether this be physical or mental. For example, if your pup is shy around other people or dogs, it’s important to address the problem right away so that it doesn’t become more serious.

Shyness in dogs is quite common, and it can be rather frustrating for both dog and owner. Shy dogs can be a lot of work. They don’t always want to meet new people or even go on walks, and they may need some extra encouragement to even have fun.

I’m Shy Please Ask to Pet Dog Bandana (Assorted Colors)

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Are Dalmatians Born with Spots? Let’s Look at 7-Day Old Pups

Dalmatian Spots

This is probably a great question for a dog trivia night. We are all quite familiar with the Dalmation appearance, probably even more so since the 1996 movie, ‘101 Dalmatians’. But how many people know the answer to the question: Are Dalmatians born with spots?

I always pictured a cute little Dal puppy covered in those adorable unmistakable Dalmatian spots. And in fact, even in cartoon drawings of Dal puppies, the spots are usually displayed in all their splendour. So, do Dalmatian newborns have spots or not? I, for one, find it hard to imagine this breed without spots. Let’s see.

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4 Types of Jobs for Dog Lovers Who Want to Work with Dogs

Dog Walking Job

Talk to any dog lover who has a job working with dogs and you will find someone who knows the true meaning of job satisfaction. Their canine clients, whilst sometimes challenging, are endlessly affectionate, lovable and rewarding. You would be surprised by the variety of in-demand jobs for dog lovers. If you can imagine yourself in a job that involves working with dogs, read on to see some options that are available to you.

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What Puppy Food Do Vets Recommend?

Best Puppy Food

With all of the ads that we are bombarded with, it’s hard to know which puppy food we should go for. And puppy is most likely going to gobble up anything that we put in front of him. So, it is not a matter of which food he is happy to eat but rather which food is actually good for him. Let’s get some input from Vets.

Regardless of the food you have chosen for your puppy, there is a need to watch for any adverse reactions. Your particular dog might be more sensitive than others to certain food groups. If you observe any such reaction, make sure you take pup to the local veterinary clinic ASAP for advice.

Puppy Food Bowl
Puppy in Food Bowl Image by Chiemsee2016 from Pixabay 

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Pampering Dogs