Affiliate Disclaimer


I prefer to be upfront with my readers so I am disclosing here that certain products mentioned on this site, and links that lead to those products from this site, provide me with an affiliate commission.

Thus, you should assume that any links that lead you to products or services are affiliate links and that I will receive a commission from any purchases that eventuate from that action. If I mention a product that I am not affiliated with, I will endeavor to point this out to you as well.

Please note that I have not received any freebies from these companies in exchange for promoting their products. But rather, the products displayed on this site have been chosen with the goal of providing a more useful site that can also be more educating for my readers. But unless otherwise stated, you can assume that I receive an affiliate commission from the sale of same.

As such I appreciate any purchases that you make via one of these links.

Price Disclaimer

Prices listed are relevant at the time of article or post publication but product prices are subject to change. Clicking on a product link can provide the current price of the product.

Amazon Disclosure

I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. This site, Pampering Dogs, contains such links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Content Disclaimer

The content on this site is interest-based and should not to be taken as advice. A veterinarian should be consulted for expert advice with respect to any concerns you might have about anything that you read on this site or on sites that you click through to.

If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me via the contact page.

Pampering Dogs