If you are a dog lover but you suffer from allergies, or someone in your family does, then the good news is that not all is lost. You can still be the proud owner of a cute little puppy. Why? Because you can find comparatively non-shedding and low-shedding dogs to choose from a number of small, medium and big breeds.
On the other hand, perhaps you simply don’t want the hassle of having to chase loose dog hair that constantly accumulates on your carpet and furniture.
Non-Shedding or Low-Shedding
I should clarify these terms before going any further. Dogs in general shed some hair no perhaps the term, ‘non-shedding’, is somewhat of a misnomer. But it is a term that is commonly used to describe very low-shedding dog breeds. The amount of hair loss among these breeds is very minimal, certainly so when compared to those that have you carrying around a clothes brush in your bag or your back pocket.
In this article, I will be suggesting some low-shedding dog breeds for you to consider. In addition, I will provide some tips for grooming these dogs, tips that can serve to keep both your pooch and yourself happy and healthy.
Small Dog Breeds That Don’t Shed Much
First we’ll start with the small breeds that are low shedding and generally low maintenance.
- Affenpinscher
- Basenji
- Bichon Frise
- Chihuahua
- Poodle
This adorable and intelligent terrier has a wiry, long coat that sheds very little and has little “doggy smell”.
Affenpinscher (Comprehensive Owner’s Guide)
( affiliate link)
The grooming requirements are very simple and easy. All that’s recommended (for brushing and combing) is twice a week with a slicker brush and comb.
A slicker brush (affiliate link) is a large, usually rectangular brush with fine wire bristles that are close together.
Basenjis are the strong, silent type, but still energetic, so they need lots of exercise.
Basenjis (Complete Pet Owner’s Manual)
( affiliate link)
They have a short, fine coat that only needs an occasional brushing.
How’s that for low maintenance?
Bichon Frise
Bichon Frise is an extremely cute, almost teddy bear-like breed that is, as close as possible, a non-shedding dog.
Bichon Frisé: Comprehensive Care
from Puppy to Senior ( affiliate link)
They have a soft, continuously growing coat.
Their grooming is high maintenance, however, so please keep that in mind.
They need frequent grooming (trims), combing, brushing and the occasional bath to keep their coat clean and fluffy, such as this dog tub (affiliate link).
Both varieties of Chihuahuas, smooth and long haired, are very low shedding. A good weekly brush can do the trick usually so long as you keep on top of possible matting.
Poodles, as you probably know, come in miniature, toy and standard size and are familiar with the way they look, but for the purpose of this article I placed them in the small dog category.
Poodle: Comprehensive Care from Puppy to Senior
( affiliate link)
What you may not know is that they’re hypo-allergenic and non-shedding.
Poodles have curly, sometimes coarse coats that need regular grooming.
Low-Shedding Dogs of Medium Size
Now for the medium sized dogs.
- Xoloitzcuintli
- Bedlington Terrier
- Boston Terrier
- Shar-Pei
Pronounced show-low-eats-queent-lee. This breed’s name is a mouthful, I know.
They’re also known as the Mexican hairless dog, but some do have a very short, smooth coat.
Xoloitzcuintli (Comprehensive Owner’s Guide)
(affiliate link)
They’re calm and easy to train.
They also have little hair, as mentioned, making maintaining their coat easy too. A weekly brushing will do, for the coated variety.
Bedlington Terrier
The Bedlington Terrier was originally a hunting dog, and interestingly, they look a lot like a lamb.
Bedlington Terrier. Bedlington Terrier Dog
Complete Owners Manual (affiliate link)
They have short, curly hair that needs weekly brushing. This will keep any “doggy smell” at a minimum.
Boston Terrier
Boston Terriers have smooth, short coats that come in three colours. White with Brindle, Seal with White and Black with White.
Boston Terrier (Smart Owner’s Guide)
(affiliate link)
Weekly brushing is recommended for a healthy, shiny coat.
Shar-Peis were, sadly, bred to fight. Almost to extinction at one time.
They have a distinct, wrinkly face and a short, coarse coat that come in most colours, except white.
A weekly brushing should do.
Bigger Low-Shedding Dogs
And last, but not least, the large breeds:
- Komondor
- Airedale
- Saluki
- Irish Water Spaniel
Komondors are a large, white, herding dog from Hungary.
They have long, corded coats that don’t need much brushing.
THE KOMONDOR Do Your Kids Know This?:
A Children’s Picture Book (affiliate link)
Komondors do need regular bathing, however.
Airedales are a terrier. They’re the largest of the terriers.
Airedale Terrier Art Print (affiliate link)
Their coats are short and wiry, with a softer undercoat that doesn’t shed.
Professional grooming is recommended with Airedales to keep them healthy.
The Saluki is a beautiful, regal-looking desert breed with a short, silky coat that needs little maintenance.
Saluki (Comprehensive Owner’s Guide)
(affiliate link)
They are difficult to train, so take that into consideration.
Irish Water Spaniel
This bred is playful and affectionate.
Irish Water Spaniels are considered hypo-allergenic and they don’t shed.
Irish Water Spaniel. Irish Water Spaniel
Complete Owners Manual (affiliate link)
Their coats are thick, curly and short, but they still need to be brushed once in a while.
Some Final Thoughts on Dog Breeds That Don’t Shed a Lot
Just some notes to close out:
Even though some breeds are labeled as hypo-allergenic or non-shedding, they still have dander and still shed to an extent, just not all over your floor or furniture!
That’s why regular (or at least occasional) brushing (affiliate link) and bathing is still recommended, no matter the breed.
It’s also important to take into consideration the temperment of the dog you’ll possibly be adopting as part of your family.
I tried to include a little about their temperaments, but please do your due diligence, so you can avoid running into behavioral issues.
For example, you don’t want to have a battle on your hands because a particular dog breed requires more exercise than you can manage.
Or perhaps, you are considering a breed that needs a much larger space than your home allows.
So, in other words, once you have found the low-shedding breed you prefer, then check to make sure that the dog’s needs can be met within your environment.
You can also find excellent advice regarding low to non-shedding dog breeds on the American Kennel Club site.