If you’re a dog owner like me (I have a Keeshond, by the way), then you know just how important it is to have access to a great pair of dog grooming scissors. Sometimes a set of different types of scissors is a good idea so that you can manage various dog coats. If you need to clip long haired dog breeds, for example, then it will pay to include some quality thinning scissors in your kit.
There’s nothing worse than trying to manage the job with half-blunt blades. This is not good for you or your dog, ouch!
Choosing a high-quality pair of scissors, however, is easier said than done. That’s why I’ve compiled this list, including some dog thinning shears, to give you a good reference point as to which brands are top-notch – and which ones are less so.
Gimars Professional 4CR Stainless Steel Safety Round Tip 6 in 1 Dog Scissors for Grooming, Heavy Duty Titanium Coated Pet Grooming Scissor for Dogs, Cats and Other Animals
Read on to see which dog grooming scissors and shears might be right for you and your canine!
Table of Contents
Pomeranian Grooming Scissors
Let’s see what type of scissors the groomer in this video has chosen for a scissor trim.
You can actually see a student groomer working with an experienced groomer which means the video abounds with lots of tips.
You can get some great tips on this groomer’s YouTube channel.
For other tips for this breed, you might like to read our article on how to groom a Pomeranian at home,
Grooming a Shih Tzu with Scissors
The following video demonstrates use of scissors on both a Shih Tzu and a Lhasa.
Hand scissoring works brilliantly for dogs that might be a bit skittish around electric clippers. This groomer shows how to effect that nice natural coat finish when you want to reduce the coat length just a little.
Scissors can help to neaten up that Shih Tzu Summer Cut.
How to Scissor the Havanese Head
Watch the following video while Snoopy, the Havanese, is scissored expertly. Actually, Snoopy is getting a head trim so the demo can really help those who feel challenged when clipping the head area.
The video refers to grooming scissors similar to these.
(Affiliate Link)
You can get some tips on how to do other Havanese haircuts here.
Professional Dog Grooming Scissors
The ideal kind of grooming scissors set would include a handy zip up pouch or bag to hold thinning shears, regular cutting scissors, curved scissors, comb & in some cases, round tipped scissors for trimming around the eyes.
So let’s check out what is available by way of kits and sets below.
Professional Grooming Scissors Kits
Two-in-one Pack
The first-mentioned scissor set comes from my personal experience with grooming my dog.
Popular two-in-one pack of grooming scissors.
(Affiliate Link)
The blades of these scissors are made of Japanese stainless steel for improved longevity and performance. Additionally, the tips of the blades are rounded in order to avoid accidental damage to either you or your pet.
When I tried these scissors out at KeeKee’s (the aforementioned Keeshond) last grooming session, I found that they were quite effective at cutting through thick spots with ease.
+ Easy to control and maintain stability
+ Sharp and effective
+ Usable on pets of different sizes
– Small finger openings could present a problem
– Could be better for fine trimming
Curved Grooming Scissors Kits
These kits often include a comb and some are made of heavy duty titanium-coated stainless steel.
Dog Grooming Kits with Curved Scissors (Affiliate Link)
Round Tipped Grooming Scissors
In addition, you want your scissors kit to include at least one round tip set for eye safety.
Professional Grooming Scissors with Round Tip (Affiliate Link)
Thinning Shears for Dogs
Your need for thinning shears will of course depend on the type of coat your dog has. But if you are battling with a very thick coat of hair then thinning scissors can help you trim hair evenly with ease. Many of the kits come with their own handy storage bag as well as a cleaning cloth and screw adjuster.
Dog Hair Thinning Scissors (Affiliate Link)
Dog Breed Grooming
When it comes to scissoring different dog breeds, you might find some very useful tips in the following articles.
Read the following posts to get pointers on:
- How to cut Maltese hair with scissors
- How to groom a Pomeranian & trim with scissors
- Pomeranian Haircut Styles – Here you can read about the Teddy Bear Cut which could come under the heading of a Pomeranian scissor cut coupled with clippers.