How to Groom a Golden Retriever at Home with Ease

How to Groom a Golden Retriever

I absolutely love the appearance and nature of Golden Retrievers. I don’t know how many times my husband and I have spotted a Golden and turned to each other with “Let’s get one”. But right now, I’m not sure that our yard would be suitable. However, if we were ever so lucky to own one in the future, then we would definitely need to keep on top of her grooming in order to maintain that striking coat. You no doubt feel the same way, if you are the proud owner of a Golden Retriever.

The Complete Golden Retriever Handbook: The Essential Guide for New & Prospective Golden Retriever Owners (Canine Handbooks)

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Best Dog Grooming Clippers for Poodles Owners & Groomers

Clippers for Poodles

Standard Poodles have an average lifespan of 12 to 15 years. Have you ever thought about how many clips your Poodle might require throughout his or her life? Many Poodle owners take their pooch for grooming or clipping every 6 or so weeks, which would equate to 8 or 9 groomer visits per year. Given that Poodle trims are recommended from a very early age, we could be looking at 100+ lifetime clips. That’s a lot of work even for the best Poodle clippers.

Whether you are a groomer or a Poodle owner trimming your pooch at home, you owe it to yourself to get some top quality, sturdy and long-lasting clippers. I highly recommend investing in the best dog clippers for Poodle haircuts that you can find, the best that your budget allows.

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4 Pomeranian Haircut Styles

Pomeranian Haircut Styles

If you are fortunate enough to share your world with a Pomeranian, you already know how spectacularly beautiful these creatures can be! You might, however, not be so familiar with the different Pomeranian haircut styles that have become so popular. And this is probably invaluable knowledge for you if you have decided to do your own Pomeranian grooming at home

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How to Sharpen Dog Nail Clippers in 5 Steps

How to sharpen dog nail clippers

We had a dog that would run a mile before he would let anyone try to trim his nails. If you have a nervous dog, as we had, then keeping his nails short can be a real challenge. Unfortunately, for the sake of your dog’s comfort, clipping dog nails is one grooming task that needs to be done on a regular basis. For that reason, many dog owners choose to do it themselves at home. If you are one of them, then you will be a candidate for learning how to sharpen dog nail clippers yourself.

In this article we address how to go about sharpening dog nail clippers at home in 5 easy steps. Given that you probably won’t have a professional nearby to demonstrate the steps involved, we have also included a YouTube video that can walk you through the task.

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How to Do 3 Cockapoo Hair Cuts & Hairstyles at Home

Cockapoo Haircut Styles

Because the Cockapoo breed is a mix, the size of a given Cockapoo can vary considerably. You might find that yours weighs as little as approximately 12 lbs (5.5 Kg). However, he could also weigh as much as double that. For this reason, it is advisable to choose an appropriate table that allows you to manage clipping different Cockapoo haircut styles.

Andaz Press Dog Wall Art Print Poster, 8.5×11-inch, Brown Cockapoo in Blue Glasses and Red Bow, 1-Pack, Christmas Birthday Gift, Unframed

Styling the Cockapoo Coat

Cockapoos are adorable dogs with beautiful coats. This provides groomers with great styling opportunities. They can pick and choose the best haircut style for their doggy client.

Perhaps you have a favorite cut, but if not, check out the Cockapoo haircut styles listed below. I particularly like the Teddy Bear Trim. I think it looks especially cute. However, your choice of cut will depend on your own personal preference as well as the time of year. Seasonal temperature variations will need to be considered.

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Pampering Dogs